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关节码垛机器人 仓库搬运机器人 双臂协作机器人Joint palletizing robots, warehouse handling robots, dual
发布时间:2024-08-11 09:07:58 | 浏览次数:





  • 关节码垛机器人是一种具有多个关节(通常为六轴)的工业机器人,能够模拟人手臂的某些动作功能,用于对物料进行抓取、搬运和码垛。

  • 它具有高度的灵活性和精准性,能够适应不同形状、尺寸和重量的物料,以及复杂的码垛模式和层数需求。


  • 主要应用于仓储、物流、制造业等领域,对包装箱、袋装物料、瓶装物料等进行自动化码垛作业。


  • 关节码垛机器人的价格因品牌、型号、配置和功能等因素而异。根据市场调研,价格范围从几万元到几十万元不等。具体价格还需根据实际需求和市场情况进行询价和比较。



  • 仓库搬运机器人是一种专门设计用于仓库内部物料搬运的自动化设备。

  • 它通常具有自主导航、避障、物料识别与抓取等功能,能够实现仓库内物料的快速、准确搬运。


  • 广泛应用于各类仓库、物流中心、配送中心等场所,对货物进行入库、出库、分拣、搬运等作业。


  • 提高仓库作业效率,降低人力成本。

  • 减少人为错误和货物损坏。

  • 改善仓库工作环境,降低劳动强度。



  • 双臂协作机器人是一种具有两个机械臂的工业机器人,能够模拟人类双手的某些动作功能。

  • 它具有更高的灵活性和适应性,能够完成更复杂的操作任务。同时,双臂协作机器人还具备安全、易用等特点,能够与人类在同一工作空间内协同作业。


  • 主要应用于汽车制造、电子装配、精密加工等领域,对零部件进行组装、搬运、检测等操作。


  • 更高的工作效率和精度。

  • 更好的适应性和灵活性。

  • 更高的安全性和易用性。


Joint palletizing robots, warehouse handling robots and dual-arm collaborative robots are important equipment in the field of industrial automation, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, reducing labor costs, and improving the working environment. Here's a detailed analysis of these three types of bots:

1. Joint palletizing robot

Definition & Features:

A joint palletizing robot is an industrial robot with multiple joints (usually six axes) that can simulate certain action functions of a human arm for grabbing, handling, and palletizing materials.

It is highly flexible and precise, adaptable to different shapes, sizes and weights, as well as complex palletizing patterns and layer counts.

Application Scenarios:

It is mainly used in warehousing, logistics, manufacturing and other fields to carry out automatic palletizing operations on packaging boxes, bagged materials, bottled materials, etc.

Price range:

The price of a joint palletizing robot varies depending on factors such as the brand, model, configuration, and features. According to market research, the price range ranges from tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan. The specific price also needs to be inquired and compared according to the actual demand and market conditions.

2. Warehouse handling robot

Definition & Features:

A warehouse handling robot is an automated device that is specially designed for material handling inside a warehouse.

It usually has functions such as autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance, material identification and grabbing, etc., which can realize the rapid and accurate handling of materials in the warehouse.

Application Scenarios:

It is widely used in various warehouses, logistics centers, distribution centers and other places to carry out warehousing, outbound, sorting, handling and other operations for goods.


Improve the efficiency of warehouse operations and reduce labor costs.

Reduce human error and cargo damage.

Improve the working environment of the warehouse and reduce the labor intensity.

3. Dual-arm collaborative robots

Definition & Features:

A dual-arm cobot is an industrial robot with two robotic arms that is capable of simulating certain movement functions of human hands.

It is more flexible and adaptable, capable of completing more complex operational tasks. At the same time, dual-arm cobots are also safe, easy to use, and can work together in the same workspace as humans.

Application Scenarios:

It is mainly used in automobile manufacturing, electronic assembly, precision machining and other fields to assemble, handle, test and other operations of parts.

Technical Advantages:

Higher work efficiency and accuracy.

Better adaptability and flexibility.

Greater security and ease of use.

In summary, joint palletizing robots, warehouse handling robots, and dual-arm collaborative robots play an important role in the field of industrial automation. Each of them has unique features and advantages to meet the needs of different industries and application scenarios. With the continuous progress of technology and the gradual reduction of costs, these robots will be widely used and promoted in more fields.

 上一篇:六轴协作机器人机械臂 焊接上下料搬运码垛机械手Six-axis collaborative robot robotic arm welding, loading
 下一篇:搬运协作机器人纸尿裤箱子码垛机器设备Handling of collaborative robots, diapers, boxes, palletizing




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