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搬运协作机器人纸尿裤箱子码垛机器设备Handling of collaborative robots, diapers, boxes, palletizing
发布时间:2024-08-11 09:12:17 | 浏览次数:




  1. 高度自动化:搬运协作机器人能够自主完成纸箱的抓取、搬运、堆叠等全过程,无需人工干预,大大提高了生产线的自动化程度。

  2. 精准度高:通过先进的传感器和控制系统,机器人能够实现对纸箱的精准定位和抓取,确保码垛的准确性和稳定性。

  3. 灵活性强:协作机器人具有多个自由度,能够灵活适应不同尺寸、形状和重量的纸箱,满足多样化的生产需求。

  4. 安全可靠:设备配备有安全保护装置,如碰撞检测传感器、紧急停止按钮等,能够在发生意外情况时立即停止运动,保障人员和设备的安全。

  5. 易于维护:设备结构设计合理,便于维护和保养,降低了维护成本和时间。







The handling collaborative robot diaper box palletizing machine is an automated equipment that integrates handling, collaboration and palletizing functions, and is designed for handling materials such as diaper boxes. This type of equipment can significantly increase production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and enable efficient and accurate palletizing operations without sacrificing safety. Here is a detailed analysis of the device:

First, the characteristics of the equipment

High degree of automation: The handling collaborative robot can independently complete the whole process of cartons such as grabbing, handling, and stacking, without manual intervention, which greatly improves the automation degree of the production line.

High precision: Through advanced sensors and control systems, the robot can achieve precise positioning and grasping of cartons, ensuring the accuracy and stability of palletizing.

Flexibility: Cobots have multiple degrees of freedom and can flexibly adapt to different sizes, shapes, and weights of cartons to meet diverse production needs.

Safe and reliable: The equipment is equipped with safety protection devices, such as collision detection sensors, emergency stop buttons, etc., which can immediately stop the movement in the event of an accident to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.

Easy maintenance: The structure of the equipment is reasonably designed, which is easy to maintain and maintain, and reduces the maintenance cost and time.

2. Application scenarios

Handling collaborative robot diaper box palletizing machines and equipment are widely used in the production line of diapers, sanitary napkins and other sanitary products, and are used for automatic palletizing of finished cartons. In addition, the equipment can be customized according to production needs and suitable for use in the production line of other similar products.

3. Case StudyThe price of the diaper box palletizing machine and equipment of the collaborative robot is affected by a variety of factors (such as brand, model, configuration, function, etc.), so it is impossible to give a specific price range. However, according to market research, the price of this type of equipment is usually higher, but the return on investment is usually higher due to the advantages of increased productivity and reduced labor costs.

In terms of suppliers, there are a number of enterprises in the market that specialize in the production and sales of handling collaborative robots and their supporting equipment. It is recommended to choose a supplier with rich industry experience, strong technical strength and good after-sales service for cooperation.

Taking a sanitary products manufacturer as an example, the company has achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the production line after introducing the handling of collaborative robot diaper box palletizing machinery and equipment. The efficient and precise operation of the equipment not only greatly improves production efficiency, but also reduces labor costs and safety risks. At the same time, the stable operation and easy maintenance of the equipment also save a lot of maintenance costs and time for the enterprise.

To sum up, the handling of collaborative robot diaper box palletizing machinery and equipment is one of the important tools for sanitary products manufacturers to achieve automated and intelligent production. By introducing this type of equipment, companies can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and improve product quality and safety.

 上一篇:关节码垛机器人 仓库搬运机器人 双臂协作机器人Joint palletizing robots, warehouse handling robots, dual
 下一篇:1.8米码垛机器人 工业协作机械臂六轴全自动堆放机械手1.8m palletizing robot Industrial collaborative robot




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