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高速食品卫生护理用品美妆日化双线双工位协作码垛机器人High-speed food hygiene care products, beauty cosmetic
发布时间:2024-08-11 10:17:33 | 浏览次数:




  1. 双线双工位

    • 机器人配备双线双工位设计,意味着它可以同时处理两条生产线上的产品,大大提高了生产效率和产能。

    • 双工位设计还允许机器人在一个工位进行码垛作业时,另一个工位进行物料准备或产品更换,减少了等待时间。

  2. 高速协作

    • 机器人具备高速运动能力,能够快速、准确地完成产品的抓取、搬运和码垛动作。

    • 通过与生产线上的其他设备(如输送机、包装机等)进行协同作业,实现整体生产流程的自动化和智能化。

  3. 高精度

    • 机器人采用先进的控制系统和传感器技术,能够实现高精度的位置控制和路径规划。

    • 这有助于确保产品在码垛过程中的稳定性和一致性,减少产品损坏和次品率。

  4. 适应性强

    • 该机器人能够处理多种形状、尺寸和重量的产品,包括但不限于食品卫生、护理用品、美妆及日化产品等。

    • 通过更换不同的夹具或调整程序参数,可以轻松适应不同产品的码垛需求。

  5. 卫生标准高

    • 针对食品卫生行业的特殊要求,机器人采用耐腐蚀、易清洁的材料制成,符合相关卫生标准。

    • 机器人还可以配备紫外线消毒等附加功能,确保生产环境的清洁和卫生。



  • 食品加工行业:用于包装好的食品产品的码垛作业。

  • 护理用品行业:如卫生巾、纸尿裤等产品的自动化码垛。

  • 美妆行业:化妆品、护肤品等产品的包装和码垛。

  • 日化行业:洗涤剂、清洁剂、个人护理用品等产品的自动化生产线。

  • High-speed food hygiene care products beauty cosmetics and daily chemical double-line double-station collaborative palletizing robot is a kind of palletizing equipment specially designed for high-speed and automatic processing of food hygiene, care products, beauty and daily chemical products and other items. The combination of high precision, flexibility and efficiency enables these industries to meet the high demands of these industries in terms of product quality, hygiene standards and production efficiency.

  • Key features:

  • Double-line double-station:

  • The robot is equipped with a dual-line dual-station design, which means that it can handle products on two production lines at the same time, greatly improving production efficiency and capacity.

  • The two-station design also allows the robot to palletize at one station while the other is performing material preparation or product changeover, reducing waiting times.

  • High-Speed Collaboration:

  • The robot has the ability to move at high speed, and can quickly and accurately complete the grabbing, handling and palletizing of products.

  • By working in collaboration with other equipment on the production line, such as conveyors, packaging machines, etc., the overall production process is automated and intelligent.

  • High Accuracy:

  • The robot uses advanced control systems and sensor technology to achieve high-precision position control and path planning.

  • This helps to ensure the stability and consistency of the product during the palletizing process, reducing product damage and rejects.

  • Adaptable:

  • The robot is capable of handling products of various shapes, sizes and weights, including but not limited to food hygiene, care products, beauty and cosmetics.

  • By changing different fixtures or adjusting program parameters, it can be easily adapted to the palletizing needs of different products.

  • High hygiene standards:

  • In response to the special requirements of the food hygiene industry, the robot is made of corrosion-resistant, easy-to-clean materials and meets relevant hygiene standards.

  • The robot can also be equipped with additional functions such as UV disinfection to ensure a clean and hygienic production environment.

  • Fields of application

  • High-speed food hygiene care products, beauty cosmetics, daily chemicals, double-line and dual-station collaborative palletizing robots are widely used in the following fields:

  • Food processing industry: for palletizing of packaged food products.

  • Care products industry: automatic palletizing of products such as sanitary napkins, diapers and so on.

  • Beauty industry: packaging and palletizing of cosmetics, skin care products and other products.

  • Daily chemical industry: automatic production lines for detergents, detergents, personal care products and other products.

 上一篇:自动化六轴搬运机器人 搬运码垛协作机械手 砂浆码垛设备Automatic six-axis handling robot, handling and palle
 下一篇:智能码垛机 食品印刷电子等行业搬运可升降式高速协作码垛机器人Intelligent palletizer for food, printing, electro




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1