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智能码垛机 食品印刷电子等行业搬运可升降式高速协作码垛机器人Intelligent palletizer for food, printing, electro
发布时间:2024-08-11 10:20:08 | 浏览次数:






  1. 高速协作

    • 机器人具备高速运动能力,能够迅速响应生产线的需求,实现快速码垛。

    • 与传统码垛方式相比,大大提高了生产效率和产能。

  2. 可升降式设计

    • 机器人配备可升降机构,能够根据产品的高度和码垛要求自动调整工作高度。

    • 这种设计使得机器人能够适应不同尺寸和规格的包装箱,提高了设备的通用性和灵活性。

  3. 高精度

    • 采用先进的控制系统和传感器技术,实现精准的位置控制和路径规划。

    • 确保产品在码垛过程中的稳定性和一致性,减少产品损坏和次品率。

  4. 易于集成

    • 机器人可以方便地与生产线上的其他设备(如输送机、包装机等)进行集成和协同作业。

    • 实现整体生产流程的自动化和智能化。

  5. 适应性强

    • 能够处理多种形状、尺寸和重量的产品,包括食品、印刷品、电子产品等。

    • 通过更换不同的夹具或调整程序参数,可以轻松适应不同产品的码垛需求。


  • 速度:8-10箱/分钟

  • 有效承重:20Kg

  • 占地面积:3590mmX1724mm

  • 电源:220V

  • 功率:3kW

  • 工作半径:1600mm

  • 重复精准度:±0.04mm

  • 码垛高度:2.1m(最大2.4m)




Intelligent palletizers, especially lifting high-speed collaborative palletizing robots designed for food, printing, electronics and other industries, are important equipment in modern automated production lines. Here's a closer look at this type of bot:

1. Overview

Intelligent palletizer is a modern packaging equipment integrating mechanical, electronic, computer, automatic control and other technologies, which can complete automatic grabbing, handling, palletizing and other operations of products. In food, printing, electronics and other industries, this type of robot is widely used because of its high efficiency, flexibility and accuracy.

2. Features

High-Speed Collaboration:

The robot has the ability to move at high speed, and can quickly respond to the needs of the production line and achieve rapid palletizing.

Compared with the traditional palletizing method, the production efficiency and production capacity are greatly improved.

Liftable design:

The robot is equipped with a lifting mechanism, which can automatically adjust the working height according to the height of the product and the palletizing requirements.

This design allows the robot to adapt to different sizes and specifications of boxes, increasing the versatility and flexibility of the equipment.

High Accuracy:

Advanced control system and sensor technology for precise position control and path planning.

Ensure the stability and consistency of products in the palletizing process, reduce product damage and defective rates.

Easy to Integrate:

Robots can be easily integrated and coordinated with other equipment on the production line, such as conveyors, packaging machines, etc.

Realize the automation and intelligence of the overall production process.


Capable of handling products of many shapes, sizes, and weights, including food, print, electronics, and more.

By changing different fixtures or adjusting program parameters, it can be easily adapted to the palletizing needs of different products.

3. Technical parameters (take a model as an example)

Speed: 8-10 boxes/min

Effective load: 20Kg

Floor area: 3590mmX1724mm

Power supply: 220V

Power: 3kW

Working radius: 1600mm

Repeatability: ±0.04mm

Palletizing height: 2.1m (maximum 2.4m)

Fourth, application scenarios

Intelligent palletizers have a wide range of applications in food, printing, electronics and other industries. For example, in the food industry, robots can automatically complete carton palletizing operations for pastries, candies, chocolates and other snacks; In the printing industry, it can handle the packaging and palletizing of printed matter; In the electronics industry, it can be used for the packaging and handling of electronic components.

To sum up, as an efficient, flexible and accurate automatic packaging equipment, intelligent palletizers play an important role in food, printing, electronics and other industries. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, its market prospects will be broader.

 上一篇:高速食品卫生护理用品美妆日化双线双工位协作码垛机器人High-speed food hygiene care products, beauty cosmetic
 下一篇:快速自动协作码垛机器人 纸箱堆叠搬运机器人 非标定制Fast automatic collaborative palletizing robot carton




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