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搬运码垛机 全自动协作机器人 纸箱移载机 源头工厂供应Handling and palletizing machine Fully automatic coll
发布时间:2024-08-11 11:12:42 | 浏览次数:




  1. 搬运码垛机

    • 搬运码垛机是一种自动化设备,主要用于将物料(如纸箱、袋装物等)从生产线的一端搬运到指定位置,并进行码垛(堆叠)操作。

    • 它能够显著提高生产效率,减少人力成本,并降低劳动强度。

  2. 全自动协作机器人

    • 全自动协作机器人是一种能够与人类在同一空间内安全协作的机器人。

    • 它结合了机器人的高精度、高效率和人类的灵活性、判断力,适用于需要高精度操作和灵活应对复杂环境的场景。

  3. 纸箱移载机

    • 纸箱移载机是专门用于纸箱搬运和移载的自动化设备。

    • 它能够快速、准确地将纸箱从一处搬运到另一处,适用于纸箱包装、仓储物流等领域。

    • Here are some relevant information about the source factory supply of handling palletizers, fully automated collaborative robots, and carton transfer machines:

    • 1. Product Overview

    • Handling palletizer:

    • Handling palletizer is an automated equipment, mainly used to carry materials (such as cartons, bags, etc.) from one end of the production line to a designated position, and palletizing (stacking) operations.

    • It can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and reduce labor intensity.

    • Fully Automated Collaborative Robots:

    • A fully automated cobot is a robot that is able to safely collaborate in the same space as a human.

    • It combines the high precision and high efficiency of a robot with the flexibility and judgment of a human, and is suitable for scenarios that require high-precision operation and flexible response to complex environments.

    • Carton transfer machine:

    • The carton transfer machine is an automated equipment specially used for carton handling and transfer.

    • It can quickly and accurately move cartons from one place to another, and is suitable for carton packaging, warehousing and logistics.

 上一篇:托盘式纸箱自动化智能搬运工业协作码垛机器人堆垛6轴机械臂厂家Pallet carton automatic intelligent handling indus
 下一篇:工业机械手臂码垛机器人协作机器人自动化机械臂Industrial robotic arms, palletizing robots, collaborative




电话:156 8882 9575

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